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Our teachers

His Holiness Drubwang Pedma Norbu Rinpoche


The third Drubwang Pedma Norbu was invited to the Palyul monastery in 1936, the year of the Fire Rat, and took his vows of refuge from the great Khenpo Ngaga Rinpoche. As a small child, the third Drubwang Pedma Norbu displayed many miraculous signs of accomplishment.


Pema Norbu had received all the transmissions of the precious Kagyur and Tengyur, empowerments, transmissions and secret oral instructions of Terton Migyur Dorje’s Nam Cho, Ratna Lingpa’s revelations and virtually every single transmission practiced in the great Palyul tradition from his root guru, Chogtrul Rinpoche.


In 1957 in an attempt to reverse the onset of the Chinese occupation, Pedma Norbu selected some monks to perform, in individual groups, an extensive one month Vajrakilaya accomplishment. While these accomplishments were underway, various signs arose indicating that the Communist Chinese occupation of Tibet was irreversible. It was then that the third Drubwang Pedma Norbu Rinpoche made his decision to depart for India, leaving the Palyul monastery for the purpose of the doctrine and sentient beings. On the long, dangerous journey that followed, Pedma Norbu passed through central Tibet and crossed over border into India. He was constantly befriended and safeguarded by the meditational deities and dharma protectors during this difficult journey.


Once in India, he began activating expansive miraculous activities and shortly after he decided to settle in Mysore, South India, close to the sacred Drekar Pungwa Stupa, where Buddha first taught the Kalachakra Tantra.


​In 1963, Pedma Norbu Rinpoche built the new Thekchog Namdrol Shedrub Dargye Ling (Namdroling) monastery and he established the sangha community. To date, this monastery has a sangha community of about three thousand lamas and has become the single largest Nyingmapa monastic institution out of Tibet consisting primary school, higher scholastic institute, a retreat centre, a nunnery, an old age home and so forth. In fact it has all the facilities to study the aspects of the Nyingmapa tradition.

Since 1985, Pema Norbu Rinpoche had spread dharma and established many centres in United States , Britain , Greece , Canada , Hong Kong , Taiwan , Philippines , Nepal , and Singapore , besides other monasteries around northern part of India.


On 27th March 2009, His Holiness Drubwang Pedma Norbu Rinpoche passed into Parinirvana.

His Holiness Penor's Yangsi Rinpoche - Migyur Dechen Garwang Zilnon Dorje


According to His Holiness Jadrel Rinpoche’s prophecy letter, Penor Rinpoche’s Yangsi (reincarnated being), was born near Leten Tramo Drag or Dung Lung Tramo Drag, the sacred place where the Nyingthing Yabshyi (The Four Cycles of Heart Essence Teachings) was revealed. Based upon this prophecy letter, combined with pure visions of Tulku Thubten Palzang Rinpoche, the Yangsi was authentically recognized.


On the auspicious 18th day of the fifth Tibetan month, 2142 Royal Year, 4th July 2015, Yangsi Rinpoche, His Holiness the Fourth Pema Norbu Rinpoche, Migyur Dechen Garwang Zilnon Dorje, offered his crown hair and received the refuge vow and long life empowerment from the ultimate spiritual teacher, Lord of the Ocean of Deities and Mandalas, His Eminence Chogtrul Sangye Tsering Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Khenchen Ngagi Wangpo.


This marks the virtuous, auspicious and perfect beginning of the flourishing of Yangsi Rinpoche’s enlightened activities of his body, speech and mind which is no doubt a matter of great joy, respect and rejoicing for all of us, the students of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche. This activity also creates the auspicious and extraordinary circumstance for Yangsi Rinpoche to live for a hundred eons, to embrace the enlightened activities of his predecessor, to spontaneously fulfil all his noble wishes and for the light of his enlightened activities for the benefit of all sentient beings and the teachings to increase and pervade throughout the world in the ten directions.


On 31st July 2014, the auspicious day of the Buddha’s First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma, the 4th day of the sixth Tibetan month, 2141 Royal Year, Yangsi Rinpoche was enthroned upon the fearless and majestic golden lion throne with an auspicious grand ceremony at Palyul Monastery, Tibet.

His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche


H.H Karma Kuchen Rinpoche was confirmed and recognised as the incarnation of the 4th Karma Kuchen Rinpoche (Karma Thegchog Nyingpo) by both the late H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Penor Rinpoche. His Holiness studied and perfected the teachings of Namcho (Sky Teachings) preliminaries (ordinary and extraordinary), Tsalung and up to Dzogpachenpo under the direct guidance of H.H. Penor Rinpoche. He also took the Bhikshu and Bodhisattva vows, and received the Namcho, Ratna Lingpa’s revelations and Rinchen Terzoed empowerments from H.H. Penor Rinpoche. In addition, he received many teachings under the late H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dodrupchen Rinpoche, Nyoshul Khenpo Rinpoche, and many other great siddhas.


In 1994, H.H. Penor Rinpoche appointed him as the Head of Palyul Mother Monastery in Tibet and on 14 August 2000, he was formally enthroned as the lineage holder of The Palyul Lineage and is now the 12th throne holder of The Palyul Lineage.


Equipped with inconceivable wisdom, modesty, grace and boundless compassion, H.H. Karma Kuchen Rinpoche has vowed to bring peace and happiness to all sentient beings and spread the supreme Dharma in the 10 directions. Of the many remarkable qualities that he possesses, the most striking quality is his strict and pure observance of all the vows of a monk. He is thus the embodiment of pure conduct in these degenerate times.

His Eminence Khentrul Gyang Khang Rinpoche


H.H. Penor Rinpoche, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche recognized Gyangkhang Rinpoche as the authentic incarnation of the Third Gyangkhang Rinpoche. 

At the age of four, H.H. Penor Rinpoche invited him to stay in Namdroling Monastery and thereafter looked after him as his own child. Gyangkhang Rinpoche studied the general Buddhist Philosophy as well as the distinct Nyingma Teachings in Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Shedra).


In 1995, he completed the nine years course in the institute and considered his high level of knowledge, H.H. Penor Rinpoche bestowed him the title of a "Tulku Khenpo" and recognized him worthy of a dharma teacher who can guide others towards the path of enlightenment. 


He received the empowerments, oral transmissions and pith instructions on the whole Kama and Terma teachings (the distinct Nyingma Teachings of the Transmitted Precepts and the Rediscovered Treasure Teachings) from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Dodrubchen Rinpoche, Jadrel Rinpoche, Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche, and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche. He specially received the distinct teachings of Palyul Tradition including the Namchö Teachings from H.H. Penor Rinpoche, and Ngondro (Preliminary Practices), Tsalung (Winds and Channels), and Dzogchen (Great Perfection) teachings where he practiced them perfectly. He also learned the Buddhist philosophy mainly the sutra and tantra under the guidance of many great Khenpos and masters of his time. 

H.E. Khentrul Gyangkhang Rinpoche is the Head Abbot of Palyul Namdroling Monastery. He travelled to the branches of Palyul Namdroling Monastery worldwide like America, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and others to give Buddhist teachings on Bodhicitta, meditation and philosophy, and also empowerments and oral transmissions. 

His Eminence Tulku Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche


H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Penor Rinpoche recognized him as the unmistakable reincarnation of Chogtrul Kunzang Sherab.


From the age of three, H.H. Penor Rinpoche looked after him with great compassion and care. Mugsang Kuchen Rincpohe has received the Rinchen Terzöd Empowerment cycle from H.H. Drodrub Rinpoche, and also the Kama Empowerments, instructions on Ngöndro, Tsa Lung and Dzogchen directly from H.H. Penor Rinpoche. He has studied common sciences such as grammar, poetry, logic as well as the uncommon science of Buddhist philosophy at Ngagyur Nyingma Institute (Shedra) at Namdroling in South India. 

Mugsang Monastery, Mugsang Thubten Sangngag Chöling, is located in a sacred place in Tibet southwest of Kathok Monastery. "Mug" means sluggish and "Sang" means clear. Thus "Mugsang" means to clear oneself from sluggishness. The monastery is built at the location that Terton Migyur Dorje spent his final days, passing into the empty sphere of truth while sitting in meditative equipoise.


H.E. Tulku Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche is the Head of Palyul Namdroling Monastery in South India.

Khenchen Pema Sherab 


Khenchen Pema Sherab received his novice vows from Shechen Kongtrul Rinpoche in 1953. He has received most of his teachings including the Guhyagarbha Root Tantra, Longchenpa’s Treasury of Pith Instructions, Kagyud Ngag Dzod (Treasury of Tantra teachings of Kagyu Lineage), Rinchen Terdzod, Jigme Lingpa’s Yonten Dzod (Treasury of Enlightened Qualities), Lochen Dharmashri’s Explanation on Ngari Penchen’s Three Vows entitled, Fruit of the Wish-fulfilling Tree, Patrul Rinpoche’s Words of My Perfect Teacher, and many other sutra and tantra teachings from His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, the Rinchen Terdzod Empowerments and its oral transmission from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche and H.H. Penor Rinpoche, and also all the teachings related to Jang-ter (Northern Treasure Teachings) from H.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche.


In 1968, H.H. Penor Rinpoche invited him to come to Namdroling to teach the Dharma, where he has stayed on since then. Khenpo Pema Sherab has been teaching in the Ngyagyur Nyingma Institute for 25 years since the establishment in 1978, where he has wholeheartedly rendered his priceless service without thought of eight worldly concerns, forbearing all hardships for the preservation and dissemination of Buddha’s teaching in general and the Nyingma doctrine in particular.


For the benefit of future generations, he has composed many books on Buddhist philosophy including a biography of Guru Padmasambhava, an Exposition on Two Truths, Lorig and Tagrig, Sun of Mind; an exposition of Logic and many others. All in all, he has taken the responsibility to manage the institute with great compassion to this day. Hence his kindness is unfathomable.

Khenchen Namdrol


In 1983, H.H. Penor Rinpoche conferred the degree of a Khenpo on Khenpo Namdrol. He has been a key person in administering and teaching at the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute since the establishment in 1978.


Khenpo Namdrol taught various subjects including Chandrakirti’s Madhyamakavatara (Entering the Middle Way), Mipham Rinpoche’s Commentary to the Ninth Chapter of Bodhisattvacharyavatara called Ketaka, Mahayanasutralankara (Ornament of the Mahayana sutra), Mipham Rinpoche’s Nge She Dron Me (Lamp of Definite Understanding), and many other distinct Nyingma Teachings and also many great works of Indian and Tibetan scholars in the institute.


He received instructions from H.H. Jigme Phuntsog Rinpoche on Guhyagarbha Tantra: Mipham Rinpoche’s Osel Nyingpo (Clear Light Essence), Longchenpa’s Chogchu Munsel (Clearing the Darkness of Ten Directions), and Dodrubchen Tenpai Nyima’s Dzodkyi Demig (Key to the Treasure) and also Dzogchen Teachings on Chetsun Nyingthig (Innermost Spirituality of Chetsun), as well as Khenpo Jigme Phuntsog’s own instructions on Dzogchen, Liberation in the Palm of the Hand, Patrul Rinpoche’s commentary to Three Words that Strike the Vital Point, Pointing the Finger to the Nature of Mind and many others.


Hence, Khenpo has contributed greatly through his work with only the single intention of the preservation of dharma in these degenerate times.


In 1998, under the guidance of H.H. Penor Rinpoche, Khenpo Namdrol established the Palyul Retreat Center, Samten Osel Ling in Pharping, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Khenpo now spends much of his time at this center, as well as teaching abroad and at the institute.

Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso


Khenpo Tsewang Gyatso received his Khenpo title from H.H. Penor Rinpoche in 1983. He studied in the Central Institute of Higher Tibetan studies at Sarnath, near Varanasi, where he followed a nine-year curriculum in Buddhist studies and general education under his principal teacher, Khenpo Palden Sherab, and other masters. His class work included Sanskrit, English and intensive studies in the textual traditions of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism and graduated with the degree of Acharya in 1978, ranking first overall among the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism represented at Sarnath. H.H. the Dalai Lama honored his achievement with the award of a silver medal. After graduation he was invited to teach at Namdroling Monastery where he was engaged in training the young monks and teaching in the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute.


Khenpo Tsewang Gyatso has received all of the major lineage empowerments and transmissions of the Nyingmapa school, including the Dudjom Tersar from H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche; the Longchen Nyingthig Yabshi, and Nyingma Kama from H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; and the Rinchen Terdzod and Nam Chos from H.H. Pema Norbu Rinpoche. He has done intensive dzogchen practice under the guidance of H.H. Penor Rinpoche and other eminent masters including Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok Rinpoche and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche.


Khenpo Tsewang Gyatso has travelled and taught extensively in the worldwide branches of Palyul Namdroling like America, Singapore, Hong Kong and etc. His open, direct and thorough style of teaching has been very well received.

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721 Geylang Road

Singapore 389 632

PNBA is one of the official world-wide centres under Palyul Namdroling Monastery located in Bylakuppe, South India.


We follow the advice and guidance of our lineage teachers; the late His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, His Holiness Karma Kuchen Rinpoche, His Eminence Khentrul Gyang Khang Rinpoche and His Eminence Tulku Mugsang Kuchen Rinpoche. 

@2017 by Palyul Nyingma Buddhist Association

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