We are a non-profitable organization, our centre maintenance depends on the donations we received from all the members and devotees. Your generous donations can assist us in our operation of the centre. In this way, we can provide a conducive environment for all members and devotees to receive and practice the dharma.
Our centre was established to propagate the teaching of the Buddha and to provide a conducive environment for students to learn and practice the Dharma.
You can support our dharma activities by helping us to support theThus we seek your support to help us to continue this dharma journey together.
We seek your support to help us to sustain our operation cost
1. Offer a Buddha Statue
2. Support centre maintenance fund
Offer a Buddha Statue

Offering of Amitabha Buddha helps devotees to accumulate merits and wisdom, gets connected with Amitabha Buddha in future rebirth and create the condition to reborn in Amitabha Pureland. It also helps deceased to gain merits and help them to find their path to Amitabha Buddha Pureland.

Offering to Chenrezig allow devotees to receive blessing, develop compassion and bodhicitta. Helps one to purify obscurations, obstacles and negative karmas. Allow devotees to get connected to Chenrezig's family as Chenrezig is the emanation of compassion for all past, present and future Buddhas.

Offering to Dzambala allow devotees to sow 'Seed Money' so that they will have constant supply of fortune to facilitate their practice of generosity. Devotees will experience fortune, happiness, prosperity and accumulate merits.

Offering to Guru Rinpoche helps to clear out all sorts of obstacles on the spiritual path and blessing will be bestow to experience true nature of mind. Guru Rinpoche mentioned whoever prayed to him with single-pointed devotion, their wishes will be granted swiftly and blessing will be bestow to them especially in this degeneration times.

Offering to Green Tara believed to promote growth, solve practical problems and protects our everyday world. It helps to clear out obstacles and fulfill wishes within this lifetime.

Offering to Medicine Buddha helps to heal devotees from all sorts of diseases and sickness. It also purify your broken precepts due to immorality and prevent you from reborn in the three lower realms.

Offering to Manjunshri will allow devotees to develop wisdom through His blessing, as Manjunshri is the wisdom aspect of all Buddhas. It will also help to clear out ignorance that hindrance one's realisation.

Offering to Vajrasatttva helps to purify negative karmas including broken samayas. Vajrasattva is known as the King of Purification and is the condensed nature of Hundred Deities mandala.